I am a VERY satisfied user of Microlon aviation and automobile products. I own a F33A Bonanza with a Continental IO 520 engine that has 1350 hundred hours on it, the compressions are still holding like a new engine and I do nothing but change oil every 50 hours of flight time. The TBO is 1650 hours on the engine and it appears that it will continue to run far beyond that—which means a savings of a lot of money considering that a new engine or factory remanufactured engine costs $35,000. So every hour that the engine goes beyond the TBO is money in the bank.
Good thoughts, James Spooner

Gun Treatment
"....I followed the directions and found that accuracy was improved... Gun Juice accomplished all that the manufacturer said it would do..."
Glen Voorhees Jr. Western Field Editor Gunweek magazine
"...I'm delighted with the way Microlon worked. I'm confident that Microlon Gun Juice will protect my molds from rust, prevent galling and wear without requiring additional lubricants and reduce, if not eliminate lead particle accumulation. I honestly couldn't ask for more from one product..."
Dave Jennings Montana Bullet Works

Engine Treatment
"Doing the math, I have paid for the treatment in about three (3) months. That is saving me $30.00 a month at least on gas. So from now on I can count that money as savings on the fuel bill for all the driving I do."
Calvin Purnell
"We were surprised by the improvement made by the use of Microlon after the results test, but the facts are there. We have never experienced improvements like this before."
A. Palm Tuning Factory
"...a fuel saving of 14.6% in fuel economy. This means that I now—at this moment—can drive with a fully fueled tank 75 Miles further."
Ed Koers
"I can only speak with praise about Microlon. The Microlon works perfectly with all satisfaction you can have."
Pascal Muller
"...I had a strong feeling that I had a power increase and that it idles smoother and more consistently than prior to treatment..."
Bill Shields British Columbia Snow Vehicle Assn. British Columbia, BC
"...my truck now has 260,000 miles and I have not repaired or replaced any mechanical parts..."
Martin Benevich Big Canyon Television Alpine Texas
"...Since our treatment, we have had no repair costs, the units are operating with a lot less noise, recovery time is more than 10% less..."
Ray Hall Service Director Champion Chevrolet Reno, Nevada
"...conducted tests... sulfuric acid added to the treated and untreated crank cases... the acid attacked and etched all lubricated surfaces. The acid had no effect whatsoever on any part of the treated engine..."
Gary Glaxner Gulf Fleet Marine Corporation

Racing Formula
"I have to send a big thanks out to Microlon products. Last years engine is still in the car with the same microlon treatment, and it hasn't lost a step. Thanks to Microlon, we are on the road again to take the championship again."
Ryan Cie Chanski Fastest SSC Honda Civic In The Central Division
"As a Professional Racer, it is part of my job to assure we have every available advantage to get us into victory lane. Microlon delivers a valued advantage. Put some Microlon Race formula in and you will be a believer!"
Lawrance Lowshack Multiple Champion & Multiple Track Record Holder

"Five to seven miles of full throttle at Bonneville Salt Flats destroys dozens and dozens of engines per year. Survival is very difficult. We race with no backup engines. We survive. We break records. We thank you Microlon."
Progress Team
"Don't laugh, but my Accord runs low 11s with nitrous and a stock bottom end. We have won more races and money than just about any one around here. Thanks Microlon!"
Tim Ultracare
"As featured in Street Performance Magazine, Nov. 2004, our little Mini Cooper picked up 3 1/2hp in an independent dyno test. The dyno tech couldn't believe that Microlon would give that much performance. We are a believer and so is he."
Dan Pilo Pilo Racing
"Up here we reach 20 below zero, but our engine gets very hot. Proper lubrication is a challenge. Microlon meets that challenge."
Mike Moser

"ASR Motorsports has started using Microlon now, and let me say, Microlon is incredible. Building 50 to 450cc racing motors, we are always looking for ways to reduce friction. There was a measurable increase in horse power after using Microlon. Our 50cc motors dyno at 14hp after assembling with Microlon. We gained 1.4 HP! That is incredible considering the small displacement."
Andy Stix ASR Motorsports
"We competed in, not 1, but 5 off-road championships in the same year. Microlon helped us gain from 3rd to 1st place in each title. Cooler temperatures, more power, and reliability."
Lesher Racing

"...I wanted to thank Microlon for another winning race season for the dirt racing team. I attribute much of our success to Microlon's Industrial Liquid Engine Treatment. We didn't see any appreciable signs of wear on the crank, rod bearings, cylinder walls or piston. That's pretty incredible considering the harsh and extreme racing conditions in the deserts of Southern California. We've also noticed improved oil and water temps, reduced oil consumption, and perfect compression tests. We will rely on Microlon to get us to the winner's circle again."
Steve Ruddick

Precision Oiler
"...We treated our printing press equipment and the temperatures are down 7º with less gear drag and over-all quieter running. I would recommend this to anyone wanting equipment to last longer and save money."
Kip Lundberg Lead Operator Windward Press